Contoh Pelaksanaan Program Layanan Bimbingan Da Konseling Di Sekolah


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Melakukan evaluasi program Bimbingan dan Konseling dan pelaksanaan kegiatan layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling. Perorganisasian Pelaksanaan Bimbingan dan Konseling di MTs Negeri Ciamis dipimipin langsung oleh Kepala Sekolah, namun dalam tataran teknis, pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling dilakukan oleh guru BK yang berkoordinasi dan bekerja sama. Bimbingan dan konseling memiliki beberapa layanan yang salah satunya adalah layanan bimbingan karir. Layanan bimbingan karir ini diharapkan dapat membina anak didik dalam memilih karirnya di masa depan, sehingga tidak kebingungan dalam memilih karir.

This study involved five Kindergarten learners belonging to age range 5.1-5.11 which consist of four males and 1 female. These learners are exhibiting play misbehaviors to peers as evident on the data derived from behavior observation.. more
This study involved five Kindergarten learners belonging to age range 5.1-5.11 which consist of four males and 1 female. These learners are exhibiting play misbehaviors to peers as evident on the data derived from behavior observation sheets and anecdotal reports which were administered for a period of two quarters. The peer to peer play misbehaviors are mainly aggression, crying and worrying, tantrum, destructive of toys and creating danger. To help them refine the former behaviors, an intervention called, “Contingent Observation” was used for a period of ten weeks (1 quarter). Since only one group with five participants is involved in the study, one-group pretest-posttest design was used. A paired sample t-test was conducted to compare the mean of pretest and posttest scores and, likewise, to test the working hypothesis of the study. Significant difference was noted after further validation of the results which means that the intervention used has been effective at refining children’s play behaviors with peers.
    • by NLP Life Coach
    • 20
Learning readiness is the prerequisite conditions for the effective learning process among school students. This study examined the relationship between learning readiness and educational achievements of school students. For this purpose,.. more
Learning readiness is the prerequisite conditions for the effective learning process among school students. This study examined the relationship between learning readiness and educational achievements of school students. For this purpose, researcher adopted the cross sectional survey design and employed the self-administer questionnaire from 400 students of a cluster. After this, the collected data was analyzed with inferential statistical measures like Karl-Pearson correlation and regression analysis. The findings of this study divulged that there was significant relationship between learning readiness and students' educational achievement. Considering it, the learning readiness contributes highly to the student learning achievement. Overall, it is concluded that creating learning readiness among students is essential tasks for achieving high educational achievement among students. Thus, the absence of learning readiness spoils the teaching learning process which means every efforts turns meaningless in academia.
    • by Milan Shrestha
This is a chapter in Spiritual Guidance Across Religions: A Sourcebook for Spiritual Directors and Other Professionals Providing Counsel to People of Differing Faith Traditions, edited by Rev John R. Mabry, PhD. Woodstock, Vermont:.. more
This is a chapter in Spiritual Guidance Across Religions: A Sourcebook for Spiritual Directors and Other Professionals Providing Counsel to People of Differing Faith Traditions, edited by Rev John R. Mabry, PhD. Woodstock, Vermont: SkyLight Paths, 2014.
    • by John A . Jillions
Sufistic-Prophetic guidance and counseling in the digital era to be a questions. Is it still important and applicable? This is discussed in this article that changes the era and will the era change the view of prophetic example? Therefore.. more
Sufistic-Prophetic guidance and counseling in the digital era to be a questions. Is it still important and applicable? This is discussed in this article that changes the era and will the era change the view of prophetic example? Therefore it is necessary to study and explore the sufistic-prophetic guidance and counseling in the digital era. The purpose of this study is to explore the urgency of sufistic-prophetic guidance and counseling strategies as an effort to achieve the psychological well-being of adolescents in the digital era. In addition, this study also tries to re-examine the extent to which sufistic-prophetic guidance and counseling is important and can be applied in the digital era. This study combines literature and empirical methods by conducting interviews with guidance and counselling teacher, and student in islamic high school. The results of this study indicate that sufistic-prophetic is important for adolescents in the digital era with some evidence of the focus of the findings namely; a) the existence of several prophetic counseling and counseling strategies, b) the prophetic approach is able to foster awareness of the importance of the psychological well-being of adolescents c) prophetic counseling and guidance can help to control adolescents in facing the digital era and d) sufistic- prophetic guidance and counseling are still important and can be applied despite the changing era into the digital era.
    • by Moh. Khoerul Anwar
Marraige in Post modern times is under fire. Drastic measures must be taken to get back to the Biblical fundamentals thereof.
    • by Robert Johnson
This study examined the relationship between loneliness as a consequence of overt and relational forms of childhood peer victimization (bullying) and resiliency. The study period was from September 2007 until May 2008. A 258-question.. more
This study examined the relationship between loneliness as a consequence of overt and relational forms of childhood peer victimization (bullying) and resiliency. The study period was from September 2007 until May 2008. A 258-question questionnaire was administered to thirty-three graduate students in Fordham University's Graduate School of Social Service. Demographics used were participants' age, which ranged from twenty-three to fifty-five, and gender which were thirty-one females, two males. There was no power calculation or other justification for the sample size. The thirty-three students presented a sufficient sample size needed to answer the research question. The questionnaire was valid and reliable, and this investigation was approved by the local Ethics Committee. This was an associational study designed to allow us to explore what factors influence an individual's level of resiliency. Hypotheses were not tested until after the completion of the data collection. The data was submitted to statistics analysis, and descriptive statistics were used in our analysis of the student's responses. Findings supported the hypothesis that loneliness because of overt and relational childhood peer victimization was positively associated with resiliency. Implications of these findings for the field of social work and policy development are discussed. Volume 2 Issue 1 1 of 5
    • by Rivka Edery, Psy.D. (Candidate), M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
RESUMEN La tutoría universitaria es una labor clásica a la vez que actual, debido a su potencialidad para concretar diversos principios que orientan la formación universitaria en el contexto propiciado por el Espacio Europeo de Educación.. more
RESUMEN La tutoría universitaria es una labor clásica a la vez que actual, debido a su potencialidad para concretar diversos principios que orientan la formación universitaria en el contexto propiciado por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (enfoques de enseñanza centrados en el estudiante, individualización, mejora de las tasas de retención, desarrollo de competencias transversales, entre otros). Así, la tutoría universitaria ha destacado en los últimos años por ser una línea de investigación fecunda, como se constata en las numerosas tesis desarrolladas, los proyectos de investigación llevados a cabo y las diversas monografías y artículos que han abordado esta realidad. Desde el punto de vista conceptual, la literatura ofrece diversas concepciones teóricas en torno al significado y las finalidades de la tutoría. Ante esta pluralidad de propuestas, el objetivo de este estudio es delimitar el concepto y las finalidades de la tutoría universitaria. Para ello, se presenta un análisis de contenido de las respuestas emergidas en un proceso de consulta a expertos, contextualizado en un estudio Delphi, que permite aportar una visión complementaria a la que ofrece la literatura en torno al concepto y las finalidades de la tutoría universitaria.
Se discuten los resultados alcanzados destacando que, en líneas generales, el concepto y las finalidades de la tutoría que se constatan en este trabajo encuentran complementariedad con investigaciones previas. De este estudio se concluye la relevancia de contemplar un enfoque de la tutoría universitaria que sitúe a la integralidad formativa en el centro de sus propósitos.
    • by Ernesto López-Gómez
This study aimed to determine if there are significant direct and indirect relationships between self-compassion and career and talent development self-efficacy of high school students when mediated by hope. Likewise, the present study.. more
This study aimed to determine if there are significant direct and indirect relationships between self-compassion and career and talent development self-efficacy of high school students when mediated by hope. Likewise, the present study also aimed to determine the levels of self-compassion, career and talent development self-efficacy, and hope of the high school students. Additionally, this study also sought to find out if there are significant sex and grade level differences in the levels of the aforementioned constructs. The respondents were the two hundred and sixty one (261) high school students in a private catholic school in Negros Occidental, chosen through stratified random sampling. With the use of descriptive-comparative and correlational research design, the present study utilized three self-report standardized questionnaires namely: The Self-Compassion Scale, The Career and Talent Development Self-Efficacy Scale, and The Integrative Hope Scale to gather the data. Descriptive and Inferential analyses using Mean, T-test for Independent Samples, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Pearson Product Moment of Correlation, Multiple Regression Analyses, and Path Analysis were utilized to analyze the data gathered. Analyses of the data revealed moderate levels of self-compassion and career and talent development self-efficacy among the respondents. However, high level of hope was found. Significant sex and grade level differences (particularly between Grades 9 and 10) were found in self-compassion. However, no significant sex and grade level differences were found in the respondents’ level of career and talent development self-efficacy. Likewise, no significant sex differences, but significant grade level difference in the respondents’ levels of hope were found. Most importantly, direct and indirect relationships between self-compassion and career and talent development self-efficacy when mediated by hope were found to be significant. This implies that an individual’s confidence in his/her abilities is influenced by the extent to which he/she displays care and concern for himself/herself in the midst of painful experiences, which could be strengthened by an individual’s positive outlook regarding his/her ability to reach his/her goals.
    • by Chris John Bedoria
Guidance and counseling, or guidance counseling, refers to the services and programs that promote personal, social, educational and career development. The program should align with an organization or institution's mission. In a school.. more
Guidance and counseling, or guidance counseling, refers to the services and programs that promote personal, social, educational and career development. The program should align with an organization or institution's mission. In a school setting, guidance and counseling attends the needs of students, parents, guardians, professional associates and the community. The following are some of the personnel in school who provide guidance and counselling services.
    • by Mikael Chuaungo
    • by Syifa Layyinatus
Book Chapter CACREP Standard 2, 3 a. theories and models of career development, counseling, and decision making; 1, 2, 3, 8 b. approaches for conceptualizing the interrelationships among and between work, mental well-being, relationships,.. more
Book Chapter CACREP Standard 2, 3 a. theories and models of career development, counseling, and decision making; 1, 2, 3, 8 b. approaches for conceptualizing the interrelationships among and between work, mental well-being, relationships, and other life roles and factors; 6, 7 c. processes for identifying and using career, avocational, educational, occupational and labor market information resources, technology, and information systems;
    • by Syifa Layyinatus
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Untuk mengetahui gambaran self efficacy siswa. (2) Untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku belajar siswa. (3) Untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku menyontek siswa.(4) Untuk mengetahui hubungan self efficacy.. more
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Untuk mengetahui gambaran self efficacy siswa. (2) Untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku belajar siswa. (3) Untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku menyontek siswa.(4) Untuk mengetahui hubungan self efficacy dengan perilaku belajar siswa.(5) Untuk mengetahui hubungan self efficacy dengan perilaku menyontek siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian korelasional.Berdasarkan pengolahan data maka diperoleh hasil, angka signifikansi sebesar ρ=0,000 < 0,05 dengan nilai r = 0,511. Dengan demikian Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak yang berarti terdapat hubungan positif self efficacy dengan perilaku belajar siswa. Dapat dilihat dari hasil angka signifikansi sebesar ρ=0,000 < 0,05 dengan nilai r = -0,514. Dengan demikian Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak artinya terdapat hubungan negatif self efficacy dengan perilaku menyontek siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan (1) siswa yang memiliki self efficacy sebagian besar berada pada kategori sedang, (2) siswa yang memiliki perilaku belajar sebagian besar berada pada kategori cukup baik (3) dan siswa yang memiliki perilaku menyontek hampir sebagian besar berada pada kategori jarang (4) terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara self efficacy dengan perilaku belajar, (5) terdapat hubungan negatif dan signifikan antara self efficacy dengan perilaku menyontek. Rekomendasi dalam penelitian ini (1) Kepada guru BK diharapkan agar dapat memaksimalkan 4 bidang bimbingan dan 10 jenis layanan bimbingan dan konseling disekolah. (2) Kepada orang tua diharapkan turut serta dalam memotivasi anak untuk memiliki dan meningkatkan self efficacy sejak dini mengingat self efficacy turut berperan dalam proses belajar disekolah dan masa depan anak. Selain itu, orang tua juga merupakan salah satu contoh bagi anak-anaknya dalam berbagai aktivitas kehidupan(3) Kepada siswa diharapkan meningkatkan self efficacy dirinya karena dengan adanya self efficacy, siswa termotivasi untuk mempersiapkan diri dalam menghadapi tugas yang diberikan oleh guru dan melakukannya dengan sungguh-sungguh untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik. Siswa yang memiliki self efficacy tinggi tidak akan ragu untuk menghadapi tugas-tugas baru yang diberikan oleh guru baik dalam pelajaran maupun untuk menggali lebih dalam akan ilmu pengetahuan yang sedang dipelajari. (4) Kepada peneliti selanjutnya, melakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh proaktinasi terhadap perilaku belajar siswa menggunakan metode observasi sehingga menjadi lebih bermanfaat di dunia pendidikan.
Kata kunci : self efficacy, perilaku belajar dan menyontek siswa.
    • by Ghea Restuf
This short paper will assist students who are doing their practicum in the field. It will serve students as sample on how to write practicum report. especially students of counseling psychology will benefit a lot from this sample of.. more
This short paper will assist students who are doing their practicum in the field. It will serve students as sample on how to write practicum report. especially students of counseling psychology will benefit a lot from this sample of practicum report.
    • by Ghebrehiwet Eyasu
Abstrak Konseling termasuk ilmu terapan, karena itu pencarian kearifan lokal (local wisdom) sangat penting. Konseling yang selama ini didominasi teori-teori dari Barat, dalam aplikasi di lapangan kerap mengalami hambatan; sebab banyak.. more
Abstrak Konseling termasuk ilmu terapan, karena itu pencarian kearifan lokal (local wisdom) sangat penting. Konseling yang selama ini didominasi teori-teori dari Barat, dalam aplikasi di lapangan kerap mengalami hambatan; sebab banyak yang kurang sesuai dengan budaya masyarakat setempat. Beberapa pakar konseling akhirnya memberikan tawaran agar konseling memberikan ruang kepada nilai-nilai budaya lokal. Salah satu pendekatan konseling yang berbasis budaya Indonesia, yaitu konseling yang digali dari nilai-nilai tradisi pesantren. Salah satu penemuan peneliti adalah penemuan model konseling dengan pendekatan at-tawazun, keseimbangan (balance principle counseling approach).
    • by Syamsul A Hasan

Contoh Pelaksanaan Program Layanan Bimbingan Da Konseling Di Sekolah Indonesia

Corruption is a betrayal of trust that can harm people financially, morally and socially. In the perspective of counseling, corruption includes misconduct (malsuai). Corruption can be prevented by the formation of personality traits and.. more
Corruption is a betrayal of trust that can harm people financially, morally and socially. In the perspective of counseling, corruption includes misconduct (malsuai). Corruption can be prevented by the formation of personality traits and behavioral altering techniques to become the best person (khaira ummah) and avoid corrupt deeds.
Objective: To reveal and describe the quality of personality and technique in changing behavior for healthy life without corruption, perspective of sufistic counseling. The study used a qualitative approach of ethnographic-hermeneutic type. Data comes from documents and fieldnotes. Steps of data analysis: data reduction, display data, and conclusion drawing.
Result: personality qualities include: wara' (the ability to control oneself and be careful with leaving something dubious: zuhud (simple life by removing the values of the world and freeing the soul from the gratification of desire), patient (roomy and brave facing difficulties (difficulty), qonaah (feeling sufficient and rich in heart) and ridha (willing to accept God's provisions) .This personality qualities are self-controlling, resilient and resilient in the face of the problematic life, acceptance of life as it will make a person's soul become calm and free of all desires and false hopes.
While the techniques of changing behavior in preventing corruption include: uswah hasanah (good example), khidmah (serving others), gerbat (inner motion or riyadhah ruhaniyyah), grave pilgrimage to remember death.
Contoh Pelaksanaan Program Layanan Bimbingan Da Konseling Di Sekolah
    • by Syamsul A Hasan
Penelitian bertujuan mengeksplorasi gambaran orientasi peran gender siswa minoritas berikut karakteristik yang ditampilkannya. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan metode penelitian studi kasus naratif terhadap tiga orang.. more
Penelitian bertujuan mengeksplorasi gambaran orientasi peran gender siswa minoritas berikut karakteristik yang ditampilkannya. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan metode penelitian studi kasus naratif terhadap tiga orang subjek penelitian. Data diperoleh berdasarkan hasil analisis instrumen BSRI (Bem Sex Role Inventory) yang dilengkapi dengan proses wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan setiap subjek penelitian memiliki jenis orientasi peran gender yang berbeda-beda, yakni maskulin, feminin, dan androgini dengan karakteristik yang beragam. Implikasi penelitian mengarah pada perlunya mengembangkan program bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah dalam mengembangkan kesadaran gender siswa.
    • by Ipah Saripah
    • by Syifa Layyinatus
    • Guidance and Counseling
Understanding the Higher Education Learner • The shift from secondary to higher education begins with a period of transition characterised by a lot more freedom • diversity in students’ entry socio-economic, cultural background and academic profiles differential in their behaviour patterns
LEARNING Emotional
Race/Ethnic affiliation
Learner Characteristics Influencing Learning
Psychosocial Factors in Student Learning
Family background Birth order Sibling position Family size Peer pressure Societal expectations School characteristics
Intelligence Motivation Self-concept Level of cognitive development Emotional state
Physical Emotional Cognitive Psychomotor Affective
Need and Focus of Guidance and Counselling in Higher Education Need
Focus of Guidance and Counselling
To improve the internal efficiency of the system
Academic guidance for; - less able students thus reducing repetition, dropout and wastage - average students to sustain stability, and improve; - able students to enhance progress from one level (class) to the other.
to reduce/eliminate anti-social activities on campus
- Advice on social and academic clubs to join - counselling and dialogue on matters that can generate friction and students' unrest Counselling on emotional problems
To enhance career and job prospects of learners
- job and career advising - Relationship between course of study and world of work.
Guidance is/as: • a broad term that is applied to a school’s programme of activities and services • a process, developmental in nature, • an educational construct, involves those experiences, • as a programme of services to people based upon the need of each individual
Counseling.. • Counselling is learning-oriented process which usually occurs in an interactive relationship with the aim of helping the person learn more: – about the self; – about others – about situations and events related to given issues and conditions – and also to learn to put such understanding to being an effective member of the society • Counselling is a process in which the helper expresses care and concern towards the person with a problem to facilitate that person's personal growth and positive change through selfunderstanding.
The major service areas of guidance and counselling are: • • •

Educational guidance and counselling which assists students in their curriculum and school life choices. Vocational guidance which assists the individual to choose and prepare for an occupation that is compatible with his interests and aptitudes. Personal and social guidance which assists the individual to behave appropriately in relation to other members of the society. Counselling could be conceived as an interactive relationship between two or more persons that can take a variety of forms. It may address noneducational issues or even non-counselling concerns. Counselling should be seen as a service provided to normal individuals to assist them remove or cope with frustrations and obstacles that interfere with their development.
Guidance and Counselling in Teaching •
• •
• •
guidance and counselling should address learners’ difficulties  t encompass the whole spectrum of student life  may have negative impact on the teaching/learning process. Counselling should probe what students’ difficulties are and then approach them systematically Diagnosing learning difficulties the lecturer should focus on the following aspects: Difficulties that arise during instruction: these may be related to the content, the lecturer or the way of presentation. Difficulties after instruction: these may be related to social activities of the student or they may be related to the facilities themselves.
Guidance and Counselling Activities at Three Points in Higher Education Guidance & Counselling at Point of Entry
Guidance & Counseling during the Course /Programme
Guidance Functions/Activities
Counselling Functions/Activities
   
Orientation, Registration Choice of electives Familiarisation with important sites and locations on campus (library, dinning, health centre etc.) students unionism
  
   
Advanced Effective study habits Intensive library use and search Course changes Strategies of keeping steady academically, socially etc. Test taking behaviours; examination behaviour etc

Seeking a job Writing applications and gathering information about openings Interview attending skills Exit Orientation Steps and stages in getting clearance, etc.
   

Guidance & Counselling on Exit
    

  
Self understanding Individual counselling Understanding others including lecturers and significant others in the institution Group counselling in the three areas of academic, personal-social, career.
Relationships between courses/programmes subject selection and future plans Academic counselling in various forms Stabilising inter-personal relationships etc. The ethics of examinations
Life as a young graduate The realities of the world of work Frustrations of seeking for employment Coping with the labour market; Alternatives to paid employment etc.
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